Thursday, August 20, 2009

10TH MEETING: Peer Pressure

1. Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.
  • When my friends and close classmates force me not to attend class.

2. How did you react to it? Why?

  • I agree! because they say that the "class is so boring", so that's why I joined them.

3. How did you feel about your reaction/decision?

  • I felt wrong about my decision, and because i also realized "that friends" is not a good influence for my study!

4. What have you learned/realized from your experience?

  • I learned that i need to attend every class because my parents are working hard to pay for it. And i realized that study is the key for my success. And i should not follow things even if your friends told you.

4th MEETING: Self Evaluation

Self Evaluation

1.Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?

  • I have realize that the Characteristics and qualities that i have cannot be own by another people because, for me, each and every one of us are special and have their own originality.

2.The Golden Rule says “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

A. How would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:
when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation,

  • I'm not proper to laugh at the student who tried to recite their own answer. For the teacher, correct the student. But at least he tried to answer even if she/he don't know what's the answer. .
when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion;
  • Respect the one who is reciting, and listen to his opinion or idea about the lesson.
when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;
  • Letting every one to share their idea or suggestion about the presentation, respect their answer and if it is wrong correct them..
when you commit mistake;
  • Don't just judge him.
when you don’t like doing what they ask you to do and
  • Let them understand that you can't or you don't want to do it. let them respect you if you don't want to do it.

when they want to give you their comments or suggestions?
  • Let them realize that you have feelings and accept it and listen carefully to their suggestions/comments, so you can correct it on the next time.

B. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect, what can you commit to yourself in terms dealing with the MCL community: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?
  • Treating others with respect, don't ignore them, disrespecting them, and refusing to his/her orders. Give respect, because if the world don't have teachers then, we can't learn, and we can't understand. Respect each other is the most important of all! Treat them as a Family. And also we are all in the same ground.

Monday, August 10, 2009



You are a Responsible person when you agree to do something, do it, answer for your own actions,take care of your own matters, be trustworthy, always use your head, and don't put things off. For me my responsible at home is to be a good sister and daughter, doing the chores, and helping my younger sister to do her homework and etc. And in school my responsibility is to listen to all the lessons, doing my assignments and projects, and passed all the exam and quizzes and to study hard! My responsibilities in my community is to be a good neighbor, a good friend, and contribute in community service by helping hands.

8th meeting: "Honesty"


Telling the truth, return recovered things, admit mistake, return excess change, and avoid cheating --All of that is HONESTY! and all of these happened to me, For me I have chosen to avoid cheating. In my highschool life, i used to cheat from my classmates and friends during our seatwork, quizzes and also when there is an assignment! In case of emergency when i don't know what to do I'm cheating to other people. But i realized if i study hard i can do it and i can passed it all. So i will not cheat again! And i believed i can do it by my own. =)

7th meeting: "Peronal Health Assessment"

"Peronal Health Assessment"

I think I'm in a good or bad health. Because Yes I admit i'm drinking alcoholic drinks but not plenty or regularly. And also i admit that i try to smoking because of the influence of other people around me. But its so long time ago! as up now i'm not smoking! I'm trying to changes for the "BETTER" and for the "GOOD". I eat healthy foods. I prefer balanced diet, and regular exercise. By knowing my personal health assessment I realize that "DRINKING ALCOHOLIC DRINKS AND SMOKING IS BUT FOR MY HEATH", so if i were you stopped smoking, drinking alcoholic drinks and other vices.



The challenges that i take is to passed the quiz, seatwork or exercises although I'm absent this past few days because of the accident that happen to me!But i'm ok now!=) . Its so hard for me to take a look to the lessons and discussions that i missed. But i realized i need to adjust and be hardworking to my studies. So because of that effort and courage i think i can passed the quiz or seatwork. And i learned on that experience when you study well and be focused of what you want to achieve, you can passed the challenges that you take.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The most challenging things I have ever accomplished!

What is the most challenging thing that you ever accomplish?

The Most Challenging thing that I ever Accomplish is my study career.
And also it's My most challenging goal currently is getting my new pLan for my daily life. Things have been going well but finding the keys that are really going to unlock the next level for me is a challenge that I try to solve on a daily. I have reached which is always a great feeling!...
I'm now an Engineering student!And also it's my time to make my decision because I'm so confused if i take the Engineering course (the one that a take in first place) Or to shift with the another courses? ..whOoow! my head is shaking!..!?_? i don't know what i want! But ALL i want is to finish my study and to be a successful businesswomen in the future!

I need to Focusing on the task at hand when there is so much I want to accomplish would be my greatest challenge.

Monday, July 6, 2009

If you will have one outstanding virtue, what would you want it to be? Why?

For me, the outstanding virtue that I want to have in my life is Patience, we are certain we know what's best for us. But why did i choose Patience, well! because sometimes i give up easily! And i need it a lot to change my life, i need to be more patience and be strong! And i know It is about allowing what is its’ right time for me, right place, right way of coming into full being. And also patience is about our perceptions being fully open to the moment. Remembering that opportunities come to us when their time is right allows us to wait and trust.

I am constantly believed that patience is a virtue.

Monday, June 29, 2009

♥ How was your first week of stay at MCL? ♥

♥ How was your first week of stay at MCL? ♥

Well! during my first day at mcl i'm feel so sad and nervous, Why? first, sad because i dont have any classmates in my high school year, but i have a schoolmates but were not close! At this point i miss my high school life, friends ,classmates and also my teachers. I miss the way that im a high school student the way i talk, speak, stand and etc.!

♥ Describe your professors. What are the traits you find positive in each one. ♥

Our professors? Well!i think all of them are kind, approaching and good to teach but some of our professor are looks so terror and strict!hehe!...but for me i really like Ma'm DC because she is nice to teach, fun to be with, and very kind.

♥ Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section? ♥

My blockmates/section they are all nice, "makulit", and jolly! haha.! Well our strengths is we are cooperate and helping with one another!we are have unity sometimes!!hehe!.. While our weaknesses is our attitude of being shy and quite type.

♥ How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why? ♥

My friends and parents encourage me to take this courses! Well all of this are so difficult and challenging! Because God had a plan for me and to all of us! Because study is key to our success!So that someday i will become a successful person.

♥ Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment. ♥

For me all of us have many adjustments that we must go through. For our academics,we should take it seriously and be responsible of everything of course in our study. Focus to our study and manage our time. at our environment we should know how to cooperate with others, love one another. And for our emotions,we must control it and don't take it easy.

Monday, June 22, 2009

High School to College

My Past High School life and now my College life. First, let me introduce myself. Hi! I’m Sherryl Mae P. Almendras “sHe” for short. I’m graduated in Emmanuel Christian School at Sta. Rosa Laguna.

For me the transition from High School to College is not so easy, why? Because there are many differences between High School to Community College, like in High School its mandatory and free but in College its voluntary and there is financial commitment to attend in High school for you, while in college you arrange your own schedule and consult with your adviser and lastly in High school is usually told what to do and when your behavior is out of line while in College All student are expected to take responsibilities for the behavior by the Student Code conduct.

In term of High School Class and College classes their also differ in High School class the school year is 36 week long and usually keep the same classes whole time in College class the academic year is divided into (tri semesters) each 12 weeks long so it takes different classes each semester, in High School classes you not often to read anything more than once and sometimes listening in class is enough while in College classes you need to review your class notes and test material regularly and also in High School classes attendance is a must but not that restricted it usually attendance policies in High School are usually 15 absences a year while in College class professors set their own policies and it can

be as few as 3 absences before withdrawn.

And also in my High School life my classmates are all girls while in College its mix with boys and girls.

~*~ Teachers to Professors ~*~

In High School my teachers usually ask me to hand me a homework and then grade it, My teachers also remind me of if am I missing of incomplete my assignments.

I think in College classes professors may not always check completed Homework, but they assume you have done it and can be tested on it successes fully, professors may and may not remind you of missing work. =D


If I passed my High School Class I’m also sure that I can do it in my college class.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

"High School to College"

First, let me introduce myself. Hi! I’m Sherryl Mae P. Almendras “sHe” for short. I’m graduated in Emmanuel Christian School at Sta. Rosa Laguna.

For me the transition from High School to College is not so easy, why? Because there are many differences between High School to Community College, like in High School its mandatory and free but in College its voluntary and there is financial commitment to attend in High school for you, while in college you arrange your own schedule and consult with your adviser and lastly in High school is usually told what to do and when your behavior is out of line while in College All student are expected to take responsibilities for the behavior by the Student Code conduct.

In term of High School Class and College classes their also differ in High School class the school year is 36 week long and usually keep the same classes whole time in College class the academic year is divided into (tri semesters) each 12 weeks long so it takes different classes each semester, in High School classes you not often to read anything more than once and sometimes listening in class is enough while in College classes you need to review your class notes and test material regularly and also in High School classes attendance is a must but not that restricted it usually attendance policies in High School are usually 15 absences a year while in College class professors set their own policies and it can

be as few as 3 absences before withdrawn.

And also in my High School life my classmates are all girls while in College its mix with boys and girls.

~*~ Teachers to Professors ~*~

In High School my teachers usually ask me to hand me a homework and then grade it, My teachers also remind me of if am I missing of incomplete my assignments.

I think in College classes professors may not always check completed Homework, but they assume you have done it and can be tested on it successes fully, professors may and may not remind you of missing work. =D


If I passed my High School Class I’m also sure that I can do it in my college class.